Pocket Issue’s new title Al Qaeda: the current threat, is released this month at what appears to be a timely moment, with the current threat from Al Qaeda being described this week as ‘huge’. The following post comes from the author, Paul Cruickshank:
This week authorities warned that there is a growing danger that Al Qaeda will attack Britain again in the coming months. “The threat is huge,” stated Lord Alan West, the Counter-terrorism Minister in a speech in the House of Lords on Tuesday, “it dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of severe.”
In Al Qaeda: the current threat I provide readers with an up-to-date guide to the Al Qaeda threat seven years after 9/11 and explain the reasons why there is more support for Al Qaeda in Britain than any other Western country. The book explains how the comparatively high levels of radicalisation in the UK, combined with British extremists’ easy access to terrorist training in Pakistan, has made Britain uniquely vulnerable to Al Qaeda terrorism.
While the threat is currently severe, the book points out that there are grounds for optimism in the medium term: Al Qaeda’s violent tactics have produced a backlash against it in the Muslim World and British Muslims have significantly stepped up efforts to root out extremism from their communities.
You can read a free extract – the One Minute Guide – here, or buy a copy of Al Qaeda: the current threat online at www.pocketissue.com.