As some of you might be aware AOL and Pocket Issue have been running a survey on AOL’s new Go green site. The survey is on the ‘Open to Debate’ page, an extract from our title, Pocket Issue, Global Warming. After three weeks we checked the voting. We found that 71% of the nearly 2000 people who voted said they thought global warming was a ‘natural occurrence’ and not caused by mankind. We thought that was a pretty staggering figure given the information on the AOL site and available to the public in general.
Anyway, we issued a press release which certainly kicked off a storm of blogging and comments – mainly springing from this report here…
The aim of the release was to make the point that rather than spending lots of government money on building awareness of ‘how’ to reduce your personal carbon emissions (your carbon footprint), we first need to convince people as to ‘why’ they should be acting? Enjoy the views of the sceptics and the believers alike!