So said Bolivian president Evo Morales, speaking at the United Nations last month. He called on developed nations to accept partial responsibility for the rising food prices caused by biofuels. His call came in a month that has seen the
Shelving Change
This month, supermarket watchdog the Competition Commission released findings from its third inquiry into the role of supermarkets in the UK grocery industry. The CC has constantly found evidence of unsavoury practices squeezing food suppliers; demands for upfront payments, changing
Chicken run
This week has seen a spate of programmes in Britain looking at food production and in particular the poor old broiler bird. Our food heroes, Messrs Oliver and Fearnly Whittingstall are doing a great job of bringing the issues into
85% shop with healthy and environmentally engaged principles
The poll has now closed in our healthy eating survey. Although the sample was not huge 85% of you registered as SHEEP – shoppers with healthy, environmentally engaged principles – good news for our collective health, for responsible food production
Food: What are we really eating?
Our latest title – Food: What are we really eating? is published this week amidst the usual onslaught of conflicting advice from governments, food agencies and experts about our eating habits. Yet the majority of us do not possess the
What a load of rubbish?
Rubbish is big business and bigger news this week. Whilst the UK Climate Change bill makes its way through the commons, Britons are also being threatened with “pilot” trials (according to DEFRA), paying for the amount of rubbish we have